Learning: a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.
Classical conditioning: a procedure during which an animal or person learns to associate a reflex response with a new stimulus.
Classical conditioning schedule: the steps in the procedure to condition a new response.
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS): the stimulus that produces a reflex response, such as the food for Pavlov’s dog.
Unconditioned response (UCR): the reflex response to an unconditioned stimulus, such as Pavlov’s dog’s salivation.
Conditioned stimulus (CS): a new stimulus presented with the UCS, such as the bell in Pavlov’s experiment.
Conditioned response (CR): the response that is learnt; it now occurs when the CS is presented, such as Pavlov’s dog’s salivation.
Extinction: a conditioned response dies out.
Spontaneous recovery: a conditioned response that has disappeared suddenly appears again.
Generalization: the conditioned response is produced when a similar stimulus to the original conditioned stimulus is presented.
Discrimination: the conditioned response is only produced when a specific stimulus is presented.