Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Tajfel (1970)
To show how easily people discriminate against their out-groups.
Method: 14-15-year-old-boys were randomly assigned to two groups. Each boy was given a game to play where he has to award pairs of points. They were told the point could be swapped for prizes at the end.
Results: The boys awarded points by choosing the pairings that created the biggest difference between the groups, not the pairings that gave them the most points.
Conclusion: People will discriminate against others just because they are members of an out-group.
·         Tajfel used boys aged 14-15. Therefore results cannot be generalized to females of other ages.
·         The groups were artificially created so it doesn’t reflect real life. In real life, the groups we belong to mean something to us.
·         Other research, using participants of both sexes and all ages, has supported Tajfel’s findings. Just assigning people to groups is enough to get them to discriminate against each other.

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