Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Adorno (1950)
To find out if there is a relationship between a person’s personality type and prejudiced beliefs.
Method: Hundreds of people were interviewed and tested using the F-scale.
Results: They found a relationship between personality traits and prejudiced beliefs.
Conclusion: There is an authoritarian personality and people with these characteristics are likely to be more prejudiced than others.
  • ·         The theory doesn’t explain why people are prejudiced towards some groups and not others.
  • ·         There are some prejudiced people in society who didn’t grow up with strict or critical parents. Also, there are people in society who grew up with strict or critical parents but are not prejudiced.
  • ·         The statements in the F-scale have been criticized. It is said that the statements were easier to agree with than disagree so they were not a reliable way of measuring people views.
  • ·         The research was done in America so cannot be applied cross culturally.

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